So Nationals is over. Officially. Team Charlotte (NC) won. LouderArts placed second - we were pulling for them. I was really hoping that Boston CanTab would win, but they didn't get the scores.
The whole night was fantastic.
Other highlights for today:
- Going to the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art with Stacy Fox and Chris. The architecture is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. I had to take a bunch of moments just to sit and soak it all in.
There were a few neat pieces of art, but the real winner was the architecture; the museum is attached to the Overture Center, which is where the semi-finals and finals bouts happened.
Gorgeous. I want to go back just to take pictures of the space.
* * * * * * * * * *
We head back to Lincoln tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to leave as early as possible, as there's a 5 hour drive back to Oakley, KS waiting for me when we get back. It'll be nice to get down and start work the next the morning, but there's a lot of stuff to get done between now and then.
Things I'm excited about: getting to participate in Denver's slam community (sorry, Lincolnites - they're closer), starting work, and also working on all sorts of new projects.
In the works: A poem about dinosaurs, a re-write of "Divine Epistolary", a few essays, some research on the ways in which we teach literature (philosophical approaches, not methods), putting together aaaaallll of my curriculum, etc., and unpacking/minimizing all of my crap which currently resides in boxes.
I'm sick of boxes.
Now it's time for pizza.